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Formatting an external SSD via Script on Linux

NavVis provides the script. Execute the script only once. It formats the SSD and performs the necessary reconfigurations of older systems that NavVis cannot do automatically.

The script:

  • displays the folder size on the SSD
  • displays a warning if the wrong device is used. It tries /dev/sda and /dev/sdb as they are standard selections for NavVis devices.
  • unmounts the SSD, creates the GUID partition table, and formats the SSD to exFAT
  • checks if the mount point is clean and if not, instructs you to delete all content
  • remounts the SSD and confirms

The script does not:

  • delete content without user confirmation
  • run automatically
  • run from the mapping UI
Note: Make sure the SSD is mounted on the device.
To format an external SSD via the Linux script, follow this procedure:
  1. Close the mapping UI on the device.
  2. From a terminal, run If you are an advanced user, you can run nv_setup-data-disk /srv.
  3. When successful, you see " Restart the device to make a first mapping". Restart the device.
    Note: If the script does not work, use the manual procedure.