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Pausing the Scan

Tap the pause button from the right menu to pause and resume 3D scanning and the automatic triggering of cameras.

When you pause the NavVis VLX, the PAUSED label in the top bar blinks until the user resumes the scan. Also, a Paused notification appears on some of the screens for a few seconds.

In pause mode, no images are taken and no points are added to the point cloud. Pause mode is useful in the following scenarios:

  • People are coming into view of the device (they should not appear in the point cloud or in panorama images).
  • The device is being used in an area where the user does not want to capture panorama images or a point cloud but still wants to continue capturing in the same dataset.
Note: In pause mode, only the 3D scan process is paused. Localization is always running. To avoid impairing the quality of the recorded map, do not move faster or less carefully than normal.