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Dataset SLAM Anchor Info File

For each dataset, anchors.txt contains an entry for every time a control point was added to the dataset. For measured control points, the user can control at which post-processing stages each control point is used by setting the boolean flags in this file.

During mapping, control point information for the dataset is collected in the text file datasets_rec/<dataset_name>/anchors.txt. This file has the following structure:

# SLAM Dataset Anchor Info File Fomat Version 1.0

# Comment lines start with a '#'

# The first nonempty line without comment specifies anchor file format version

# The remaining nonempty lines each specify a dataset SLAM anchor in one of the following formats:
# - 'stamp anchor_name use_orientation use_for_alignment use_for_verification use_for_optimization'

# Explanation of entries:
# - stamp : point in time at which the trolley was placed at the anchor pose
# - anchor_name : unique identifier of the anchor pose
# - use_orientation : Use the orientation information of this anchor (true/false)
# - use_for_alignment : Use this anchor for alignemnt (true/false)
# - use_for_verification : Use this anchor for verification (true/false)
# - use_for_optimization : Use this anchor for optimization (true/false)

1464367049.798925160 Anchor00001 false true true true
1464367113.119625566 Anchor00002 false true false true
1464367168.296749677 Anchor00003 false true true true

The first non-empty line without comment names the file format version (currently 1.0) in order to allow for future changes in the file structure. The remaining lines each specify:

  • The point in time when the device was positioned on that control point (Unix time).
  • The control point's unique identifier
  • Four boolean flags that control how the control point will be used during post-processing.

The first flag (use_orientation) controls whether orientation information from the anchor poses file will be used. This flag is currently not used and should be set to false.

The three remaining flags control in which post-processing stage each of the control points is active, that is, used for computing the trajectory of the device. The different stages are explained in more detail in Control Point Post-Processing Stages.
Note: To run post-processing with control points, a SLAM Anchor Poses File is needed. Its content is not output by the Mapping Software but rather needs to be filled out with additional information.